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Organization turnaround


0006-September 22, 2019 - Annual STAN2SERVICES event at the CircoloVelico Lake Lugano
"Aperitivo con energia”
This year, due to the Covid-19 Situation, we were forced to cancel our yearly event. We look forward to meet all of you next year in better and saver circumstancies
...0005-September 24, 2019 - Annual STAN2SERVICES event at the CircoloVelico Lake Lugano
"Aperitivo con energia - Quale ruolo per le utilities del futuro? Modelli di business ed innovazione tecnologica nel campo dell’efficienza energetica” Presented and moderated by Stefano Colombo
Speakers: Fabrizio Noembrini (Direttore, Associazione TicinoEnergia), Cristian Pulitano (DG, Energy & Strategy Group, Politecnico di Milano), Andrea Prati (AD, AIL Lugano), Fabio Bocchiola (AD, Repower Italia), Giovanni Bartucci (VP Executive, Alperia Bartucci)
...0004-September 25, 2018 - Annual STAN2SERVICES event at the CircoloVelico Lake Lugano
"Aperitivo con energia - The new frontiers of the Swiss and Italian Electricity Balancing Market” Presented and moderated by Stefano Colombo
Speakers: Luigi Michi (Head of Strategy and Development, TERNA SpA), Jörg Spicker (Senior Strategic Advisor, Swissgrid AG), Roberto Colicchio, (Gruppo Building Energy), Christoph Moser (Virtual Global Systems AG)
...0003-September 28, 2017 - Annual STAN2SERVICES event at the CircoloVelico Lake Lugano
"Aperitivo con energia - Batterie e storage: la vera rivoluzione del sistema elettrico europeo” Presented and moderated by Stefano Colombo
Speakers: Matteo Codazzi (CEO CESI), Petr Novak (Head of the Electrochemical Energy Storage Section at the Paul Scherrer Institute) and Guido Cervigni (International Energy Specialist)
...0002-April 27, 2017 - ESI Annual by title "Event SI o No alla strategia energetica 2050"
Focus of Stefano's presentation has been "La politica energetica italiana tra presente, passato e futuro"
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0001-September 28, 2016 - Annual STAN2SERVICES event at the CircoloVelico Lake Lugano
"Aperitivo con energia - Le sfide regolatorie per il settore elettrico in Svizzera" Presented and moderated by Stefano Colombo
Speakers: Antonio Taormina (Vice Chairman of the Federal Electricity Commission, ElCom) and Giuseppe Gatti (President of Energia Concorrente) us